How you can donate and
help Stow Baptist Church
Running and maintaining an old Grade II Listed building is expensive and substantial funds are expended every year on simple day to day running costs alone.
Reaching out and providing services to the local and wider community is also expensive. Therefore any donations to the Church and the proposed Memorial Garden are welcomed.
Such donations can also be Gift Aided by British taxpayers - this has the advantage of increasing the donated amount by 25% by the government as refunded tax, and the donor can also claim tax relief on the donation - it's win-win for recipient and donor alike!
Ways you can donate:
In Person
By Mail
Should you wish to make a donation by post then please send to the address at the foot of the page. For security reasons we would prefer such donations to be made in the form of a cheque rather than cash. A receipt and Gift Aid form will be sent if so required.
Not yet available
Donations can be made either to the collection taken during the service, or afterwards. Alternatively we are pleased to accept donations at one of our Tuesday morning get-togethers. Gift Aid forms are available at the Church